After losing my job last year I could not afford a secure place to stay. Right Turn gave me a shelter that felt like any other home, with food that we want, and focused me really hard on job opportunities. They even encouraged people who stay here to further their education. I gladly say that they saved me and many others from hardship and stress. Thank you Right Turn, and thanks to the staff: Judy, Ron, Mirna and the donators.
In the program I was allowed to work at my own pace. I received counseling for PTSD, referrals to training classes and job placement. I was given a place to stay, and three meals a day. It was safe and secure without worries. Staff are friendly and helpful. Because of the program, I have a job, my own place, a little truck and a future. I thank God for a lot of things and especially for RIGHT TURN FOR YUMA VETS.
I now have an attitude of gratitude I never had before. I need to remember never to give up. I wish I had known about Right Turn for Yuma Veterans sooner. I look forward to giving back what I've been given.